
Time Horizon
Asset Allocation
Putting your hard-earned money into investments can be nerve-wracking and exciting at the same time, especially given how volatile the Indian market is. A crucial tactic that smart investors swear by is “Asset Allocation.” However, what is it precisely, and why is it so significant? What exactly is Asset Allocation? Using an Asset Allocation strategy...
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Mutual Fund
One of the most important considerations before choosing an investment avenue is the expected “time horizon”, i.e. time in days, months or years that an investor intends to stay invested. All investments should ideally result from a financial or investment plan. Such plans usually indicate how long it would take for a financial objective to...
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Return Kitna Milega
Return Kitna Milega? Recently I was in a meeting with one of the clients Mr. Kumar and was discussing about the Investment planning. He interrupted me and asked a question by which I was not surprised at all. The most common question that clients ask even before understanding the features of the investment is “Return...
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