In March 2024, SEBI Chairman Madhabi Puri Buch stated, “Investors will benefit from knowing how many days the funds would need to exit their underlying portfolio in the event of unfavorable market conditions.” To find this period, SEBI asks Mutual Fund Companies to conduct a Stress Test. What is a Stress Test? In the case...Read More
For most people, the New Financial Year begins tax-saving calculation. The last three months of the fiscal year (January to March) are when most of taxpayers complete their investments. This is the time of year when a lot of people who chose to pay taxes under the previous system will be rushing to locate investments...Read More
Broadly speaking, investments may be categorized into three groups based on risk: first is high-risk ‘Equities’, second category is ‘Debt’, and the third is ‘Hybrid’ investments. Most investment consultants advise clients to create an investing plan based on their financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. However, it is difficult to classify investors as either...Read More
We all invest to generate positive returns, whether it be in stocks, gold, mutual funds, or another kind of asset. Therefore, the first thing we usually look for in an investment product is its historical return. On the other hand, there are many interpretations of return on investment. For example, you’ve probably seen terminology like...Read More
What is Profit Booking? A slang term for selling stocks or mutual funds is “profit-booking.” What it means and how it differs from terminology like redemption and rebalancing confuses a lot of investors. This provides beginners with a basic explanation. Is it Practically possible? Let’s use an example to better grasp profit booking. Let’s say...Read More
What are Bonds? How does Investing in Bonds work? When it comes to investment possibilities, investors frequently have a wide range of options. Hundreds of investment possibilities are available, such as stocks, bonds, gold, and real estate. Depending on many characteristics, including the time frame of the investment, the investor’s risk tolerance, and the expected...Read More
Investing is similar to going on a financial trip to increase your wealth. This trip does not, however, come without its deviations. The relationship between risk and return is one important idea that all investors need to understand. To put it simply, it’s about striking the correct balance between the amount of risk you’re willing...Read More
It’s a half-truth that you invest in Stocks. Confused? Let me clarify. Whenever you are investing in stocks, actually you are investing in businesses. While buying stocks, you become the owner of the company in proportion to your investment. This awareness might change your perspective towards investing and picking up direct stocks. One of the...Read More
Mutual funds have become the preferred investment option for many people, offering a hassle-free way to participate in the market. However, the variety of mutual funds available can leave investors feeling overwhelmed and unsure of where to start. Here, mutual fund distributors (MFDs) play an important role in bridging the gap between investors and the...Read More
Despite being praised as a gentleman’s game, cricket offers more to enjoy than exciting sixes and thrilling finishes. Cricket teaches a number of principles that go much beyond the limits of the field, even beyond the boundaries and wickets. Cricket is an unusual but fitting metaphor for navigating the unpredictable trip of financial markets in...Read More