This is a Mini Version of Secure FundBox. It is ideal for investors with balanced approach between risk & returns. This FundBox has a potential to provide portfolio stability along with better potential of double returns compared to FD (based on past returns)
Its design strategy focuses primarily on Asset Allocation.
Asset Allocation in this FundBox is balanced, between equity (around 62%) & debt (around 20%) but also contains Cash (18%) to provide stability.
Returns & Risk in this FundBox are expected to be moderate as it has a mix of all assets.
This FundBox is designed for a medium to long-term investment with a minimum time frame of 4 years and above.
Though short-term withdrawal before 4 years is not advisable, you can withdraw money from this FundBox at any time after investing, as there is no lock-in period. You can get money in your bank in 3 to 5 working days.
Exit load differs from scheme to scheme. Few schemes may have an exit load up to 1% of the withdwal amount. Please check the scheme details.
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